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Gum Line Correction Beckenham

Gum Line Correction

Gum Line Correction

Get rid of your gummy smile with our gum line treatment here at Beckenham Smiles. When it comes to cosmetic dentistry, we often focus on teeth. But did you know that a gummy smile can also make you self-conscious? Gum line correction, also known as gum contouring, is a great solution for this. Through a process called grafting, we can reshape your gums and give you the smile you’ve always wanted. This procedure is perfect for anyone who feels their gums are too prominent or is dealing with receding gums. Say goodbye to a gummy smile and hello to newfound confidence!

Whether your gum insecurities are caused by gum disease, genetics, or prescription medication, our treatment can restore your gums, recontour your smile, and even prevent further damage to your teeth, roots, and jawbone. Don’t let receding gums ruin your oral health – find out how gum line correction at Beckenham Smiles can help you.

Gum Line Correction in Beckenham

What Else Should I Know About Gum Line Correction?

This innovative procedure can reshape your gums, eliminating excess tissue and restoring lost gum tissue through grafting. The gum contouring procedure is often chosen to restore lost papillae. Papillae refers to the small triangle of gum in between your teeth. When this gum recedes, it can result in an unsightly dark triangle. You can say goodbye to this unsightly dark triangle that is caused by your receding gums and transform it with a more even and attractive gum line.

Is It Painful?

You will experience varying pain levels depending on the degree and severity of the gum alteration. Rest assured, our procedure includes medication to ensure your comfort throughout. After the procedure, expect heightened sensitivity in your gums. To help prevent irritation, it is recommended you follow a diet of soft foods for the first few days.

Why Do I Need Gum Line Correction?

You would be amazed at the true impact your gums have on your facial appearance. Correctly contoured gums can realign your face and make your features seem more symmetrical. Here at Beckenham Smiles, we care about the happiness and confidence of our patients and want to ensure we can help to transform our patient’s smiles. Gum line correction can eliminate your gum insecurities by making teeth appear longer and more proportionate. Contact the friendly team at Beckenham Smiles today if the procedure appeals to you. We even offer the ability to split the cost of your treatments into smaller and more manageable amounts using DivideBuy.
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